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Inicio arrow ANPA arrow Carnaval 2007 no Fernando Esquío
Carnaval 2007 no Fernando Esquío PDF Imprimir Correo-e
sábado, 17 marzo 2007

Houbo música, premios, e gañaron as elfas azúis ¡Qué wapas!

Unha dedicada sesión de maquillaxe para outro dos belísimos premiados.¡Gracias,profe!

E triunfóu o virus laranxa !

CONCURSO DE LIMERICKS...qué difícil elexir.Os gañadores levaron unha memoria (a ver se lles vale para os exames) de 1 giga e toquisqui camisetas británicas. Thaaaanks to everybody e velaquí o texto gañador:

There was a dog under the tower

Eating sweets and looking for a flower

In the flower there was a bee

And it went running to sea

Where it met a woman who had the power

There was a smart lord

Who drank and spoke with a door

He met his sister

And she said: Hello wister!

He got scared and he fell on the floor

By Graciela, Silvia and Dani Felgar. 2ºBach B



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